January 25, 2010

Bristol's Message

Who ever would have thought that this sweet little thing would grow up to love computers. We are in for it. Bristol loves looking at pictures of herself on the computer, and loves to "type" on her own. Here is a little message from Bristol...typed all by herself!
hdddddddddjfdgfhbdfnjdkjakahsxdhdc s,f edrffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff3frdcfddjnbytgbnhdcxxsfbnhnmnbvbbnnmmnbvhffg
Love Bristol

January 22, 2010

Early Morning Blues

What is it with babies not forming good sleep habits? AHHHH! I need some Zzzzz's. My pediatrician suggested a sleep study...HA! I have to wonder how well those work...First you drive your baby all the way to Primary Children's Hospital, then put them in a completely unfamiliar sleep environment and expect them to sleep the same way they do in their own bed so that doctors can determine what is going on. Whatever, I think that I'll just go with the wrestless leg syndrome theory as for now. :)

January 15, 2010

Graduation, Christmas...I'm way behind!

I have way too much catching up to do, but here is a start. We had such a great and eventful December. Ty graduated with his bachelors in Accounting from USU. We then headed to Oakley, Ut to spend Christmas there. Then off to Boise for "Second Christmas." Here's a few pics from the Holidays. I'll post the rest of my "behindness" later!

Ty's Graduation was just like mine. It decided to snow the whole day, but it made for a fun adventure! The program was great, with live bagpipe players and all. Bristol slept through most of it, but She and I are so proud of Ty.

As you can see, Bristol was such a delight getting ready for Christmas. She actually chewed a hole through the wrapping paper of some of Ty's presents. Fortulately there was no peeking! And, Bristol LOVES to be naked...it doesn't last too long. We have learned our lesson. ;)

First up on our Christmas vacation was a party in Oakley, Ut. One of Ty's "bosses" threw a HUGE party that was great. Live music for entertainment, great food, and YES! A sleigh ride through the river bottoms. It was such great fun, a little cold, but beautiful!

Off to Temple Square! We couldn't have picked a colder...or smoggier day. Still, it is one thing that I absolutely LOVE about Christmas. Seeing the lights, and no one can top the lights at Temple Square. It was packed...people everywhere. I'm not quite sure what Bristol thought about it, but she didn't get too cold!

Christmas Morning was great! We all got very spoiled. I in my cowboy boots, and Bristol with her toys...

"Second Christmas" on the 26th in Boise was lots of fun too! Nobody loves Bristol as you can tell. She is completely the center of attention wherever we go!