February 3, 2010

To Text or Not to Text: This really is the question

So, maybe this post will be a little bit more thoughtful than my other posts, but I truly am contemplating this. A while ago Oprah had a show on the many car accidents caused by texting. I was watching this and completely amazed. First: Why would anyone text and drive? Especially with children in the car. (Along the same lines as doing your makeup while driving....never understood that either...). Second: I believe that texting is more evidence that the world is trying to move too quickly each day. I have realized that because of texting, I don't talk to many people that I used to LOVE talking to. I MISS it terribly. AND, from a teaching standpoint, I believe that texting is creating not only poor communication skills, but also bad grammer etc. However, from a business standpoint (Thanks Ty) I completely understand how texting can help you out a bit. I'm not completely against texting, but what is wrong with a phone call? It takes just as long! Seriously, I'm thinking about not texting, but calling and seeing how I like it. What are your thoughts on the whole texting issue?


Kayli Sue said...

I think texting creates as many problems as it solves. I think it has it's place but I think people do it too much.

Michele said...

I totally agree! It is crippling us as society. Yeah it's great and I wouldn't go back to how it was before... but my nieces and nephews (this goes with chat, facebook, all of the above NON-vocalized communication) don't know how to spell, but they sure can say LOL. :)
Also- Mike and Danika got a new cell phone plan where they don't have texting anymore so everytime we hang out we call them- it is SO much better than having to wait 15 minutes to find out what their plans are. Anyway. Love texting, but it's getting abused. That's my two cents.

kris said...

I agree also. Texting is great for certain moments, but it has caused us to lose communication skills and grammar. I even catch myself texting when it would be so much easier and friendlier to call!

Amber said...

Stephanie... you just barely texted me!! Seriously, you should have just called, like you said. I would have loved talking to you. I agree with what you're saying- and even more agree about texting while driving. But here is a little curve in your theory... last year I was at the intersection next to the stadium. This girl was crossing the street while looking down at her phone and texting. This truck doesn't see her and totally rams into her- she flew at least 15 feet. I totally watched it all coming and could do nothing about it in my car. She was ok and I know it was totally the truck's fault, but it could have been prevented if she was paying attention. Crazy, huh?? What is this world coming to?

TODD + ANNIE said...

I haven't had text messaging for years now, and at first I thought my life would end without it, but I haven't missed it, AT ALL. Overall, I don't think it makes for good communication. Life is very pleasant without it. Next time you are in Oakley, call me and we will do something. Make sure to call ;)

Ty, Steph, Bris, Big T said...

Good response. Texting for sure has its place...and as Amber brought to my attention...it is now a habit! Arg. I will call for sure....Annie in Oakley...too cute.

Amber said...

I actually took texting off my phone a few years ago to save money and haven't missed it! I can see why it can be useful but it certainly isn't a necessity, especially while driving!

mental monika said...

Steve and I took texting, internet, all those extras off our phones. We just use them to call people (and as mp3 players, lol). I find it actually takes LESS time to call someone and talk about things than it does to text, send, wait for an answer, and repeat the whole process. Our kids hate the no texting, but all they used it for was for silly "hw r u" stuff -- like they didn't just see their friends as they walked home from school!

Melissa said...

Hey Steph! I agree, texting has its place and in many times is convenient (i.e., when you're in a situation where you can't talk, but you really need to contact someone...perfect), but overall, it's overrated. And a bit lazy...if I can say that. :) I definitely wish I called people more. People like your lovely self! :) I just caught up on your blog, I can't believe how big your Bristol is getting, or how much she looks JUST like Ty! She's beautiful, and I'm so happy to see you so happy. Your family always looks like you're having so much fun together, I love it! You look fabulous!