December 27, 2011

Why I Have Fallen Behind...Ugh

6:00 "Ty, the dog is barking"
6:10 back asleep
7:00 shower
7:15 get Big T out of bed
7:16 change diaper
7:17 feed Big T breakfast
7:25 get Big T more breakfast
7:30 Dog needs breakfast
7:31 watch dog eat
7:36 take dog out
7:45 Bristol wakes up
7:46 Bristol goes potty
7:48 get Bristol breakfast
7:53 I eat breakfast
7:57 dog is barking again
8:00  change diaper
8:03 get ready
8:25 change poopy diaper
8:27  dog barking, actually has to go out
8:30 Bristol needs more milk
8:33 receive phone call
8:37 make Tytan bottle
8:43 put Big T down for nap get my point eh? It's been a bit busy around here. Nothing new, it's always busy. But the added stress of the holidays, going out of town for six days, and having a sick puppy have just added to it. However, you are about to get a complete update on the last couple of weeks. I won't be falling any more behind!

I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas!! And check back tomorrow!

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